Employee engagement strategies


At Zinkgular we want to help you strengthen the emotional bond with your collaborators, transforming the way you relate to them.

Make them feel heard, creating spaces that encourage them to actively participate and where they can share moments with their peers and leaders; feeling valued and motivated.

Employee Engagement Strategies
Employee engagement

Nuestras soluciones van desde el diseño de un programa de employee engagement alineado con vuestros valores corporativos, la creación de una campaña de endomarketing para enamorar a tu talento actual, hasta el diseño de sistemas gamificados que incentiven a tus embajadores de marca a participar:

  • Design of Employee Engagement programs
  • Creation of internal communication or Endomarketing campaigns.
  • Development of Employer Branding strategies to help you attract talent.
  • Analysis, evaluation and design of the Employee Journey Map.

Llevamos la experiencia del empleado a otro nivel, impulsando tu estrategia organizacional, cultural y de personas en cualquier punto del employee lifecycle.

Employee experience

Group 304

Design of Workplace Engagement Programs

Group 306

Creation of Internal Communication or Endomarketing Campaigns.

Group 308

Development of Employer Branding or personal branding strategies.

Group 310

Social media management and brand professionals

Employee Experience Journey analysis, evaluation and designs

Elaboration of Employee Journey Map

Other Connect solutions.

Zinkgular Experiences

Cooperation and growth